Monday, September 03, 2012

The return

Months have passed, haven't they? Seasons even. I have struggled with having two blogs... a personal one and a business one. When I get my act together (someday, someday) I will revamp my blog and merge it into one. In the meantime, I will pick and choose which posts get placed where. In order to do that, I must actually have something to say.

I have so much to write about over the past few months. I just don't have enough hours in the day. No one does. I envy those who are able to multitask so well.

I have lots to do and I get all freaked out when I am overwhelmed (consumed) with a deadline. Yet, do I focus solely on getting the task done? Of course not. I have noticed lately that when faced with a deadline I decide it is a great time to pick up a new hobby, or start a new project. I thought there was something very wrong with me until I started reading Austin Kleon's "Steal like an artist". He writes about being creative and productive. Every page is filled with genius/common sense but the part I want to mention here is his advice to have hobbies and side projects. He puts a whole new spin on procrastination that I'd never considered. Taking time away from the main project to explore other interests, or to attend to mundane tasks, frees your mind to come up with new brilliance. Ok, that's my take on what he said... whether that's what he meant or not, is an entirely different matter. Read the book and see what you think. I do think every artist would benefit from reading what he has to say. Even if some of what he says you possibly already knew, it serves as a good reminder.

Got a deadline, start up embroidery, tackle the art of Project Life-ing, take an online journaling class, decide to start up your blog again, and oh uh, maybe find time to get your work done. Oh the agony and ecstasy of procrastination.

Forget the shoulds. I should be cleaning the house; playing at the park with my husband and children; making lunch; doing a million things all worth doing. Yet I AM usually found doing these other things. Sometimes wishing I had just a moment to work on my art. When I have that moment, I fret the time away "shoulding" all the things I'm not doing.

My original point of blogging today was to say "hey, I'm back". I am hopeful I'll get back into the swing of things. I hope to update you on just exactly what I've been up to for the past half year or so. I have a list of things I want to write about. Stick with me, I might actually get it all out of my head.

For now, I'll share a photo from last night when my family celebrated my special day.

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